

The industrial revolution brought an abundance of benefits for humanity. However, very soon the world realized that to avail of these benefits a lot of energy is wasted.

This energy wastage causes damage both in terms of economy as well as environmentally. The only solution to reduce this energy wastage is to go for energy conservation tactics.

Modern day theorists and scientists have discovered several ways through which energy conservation can be made a reality. Read on to see how we have highlighted some of these energy conservation tactics.

Energy And Its Conservation

Now let’s see some of the tactics or methods that can really help you in reducing your energy cost. There are several energy-saving techniques that can be applied- here we have picked out the five major ones.

Phantom Loads

Phantom loads
Phantom load is a term used for a phenomenon in which an electronic device or an appliance consumes energy when it is switched off.

Phantom load is a term used for a phenomenon in which an electronic device or an appliance consumes energy when it is switched off.

Some fantastic research was carried out by the U.S. Department of Energy in which it was stated that 75% of the electricity utilized to power home appliances is wasted when the product is actually not in operation.

The solution to this problem requires no rocket science: all you need to do is to unplug your appliances when they are not in operation.

You can also connect your appliances with the power strip so that you may turn off the strip once the appliance has been used.


[otw_shortcode_quote border="bordered" border_style="bordered" background_color_class="otw-green-background"]Already the world has suffered a lot due to the different forms of pollution that exist today. The best we can do is to take necessary precautions and measures.[/otw_shortcode_quote]

Energy Efficient Appliances

Nowadays, certified appliances exist to ensure that they will not consume extra energy.

The certification provided by the Environmental Protection Agency is considered the most authentic in this regard, and the Energy Star label is the mark of this certification.

It has been reported that such appliances consume 10%-50% less water and energy compared to the other appliances that are available in the market.

The energy efficient appliances in most cases cost more than the older 'traditional' appliances.

By looking at the bigger picture, you will come to the conclusion that in the long run the value offered by an energy efficient appliance is much higher.

Light Bulbs

Light bulbs
The normal bulbs previously used for lighting which we have in our homes consume a lot of energy.

The normal bulbs previously used for lighting which we have in our homes consume a lot of energy. Subsequently these bulbs also result in higher amount of electricity bills as well.

The problem can be curbed by you purchasing CFLs, or compact fluorescent light bulbs. This bulb uses 70% of less energy compared to the normal bulbs that are sold in the market.

In some markets, CFLs are now the only product available. One other point of note is that these newer? Bulbs also produce a far lesser amount of mercury.


Yes, hot summers can be irritating.

However to reduce the effect of the heat, you can try the stationary or whole-house fans to get your home, or other environment, cooled down.

This energy saving tip will pay dividends, and soon you will realize that you do not need to switch on your air-conditioner.

Thermostat (Programmable)

It is highly recommended that you opt for a thermostat which is programmable. This means that it will automatically adjust according to your room temperature.

It is highly recommended that you opt for a thermostat which is programmable. This means that it will automatically adjust according to your room temperature.

A programmable thermostat has the unique ability to save around 15% on both your cooling and heating costs.

Do not worry as an installation of a programmable thermostat requires no rocket science.

Final Words!

If you want to make this world a better place, we think you'll agree that everyone should take on their social responsibility.

Already the world has suffered a lot due to the different forms of pollution that exist today. The best we can do is to take necessary precautions and measures.

At Ecowizz, we are ready to help you apply what you have just learnt!

Want to know more about energy saving techniques, as a start, check out these at Victorian Energy Saver of Australia.